Nurse Finder


We have compiled all the details for one commitment – you only need to learn the language.

Our programs provide You with a job in Europe, the needed language skills for each location, and qualify You to become a locally registered nurse in your destination country.

Typically, your family can move with you to Europe and there are lots of job opportunities for spouses.

We are committed to fair and ethical recruitment, and therefore there will be no negative surprises for you in terms of fees to be paid to us, our recruitment partners, or any third party.

At the moment recruitment is open for Germany. France and UK will open in the first quarter of 2024. At the moment, we are not accepting new applications for Finland as all the language training courses are full.


The people, language, and traditions are what make the German culture unique. Germany is the largest economy in Europe. The German language is spoken by over 100 million people in six countries in Europe. All these German-speaking countries are also among the top 20 medically most advanced countries in the world.

Job opportunities in Germany and nearby regions as well as salaries (nurses basic salaries starting from 2300 euros) are better than in many other European countries. “Pflegefachmann/Pflegefachfrau” is a vocational job in Germany. As a degree holder you will join the group of the most educated nurses in Germany as only 2% of German nurses have a degree in nursing and therefore, your nursing degree gives you excellent career prospects.

This is why learning the German language, first to level B1 in India and to level B2 latest before you apply for the nurse registration in Germany, offers you immense job opportunities and the opportunity to live with your family in Germany.


If you want to enjoy a good quality life, have delicious food, enjoy stunning landscapes of valleys and hills with vineyards and small towns, and be surrounded by European history and culture, maybe France is your new home country. France is among the top three countries in the world offering the most generous workplace and welfare benefits overall, including top-rated parental-related entitlements, annual leave, and unemployment benefits.

French is considered one of the world’s languages and it is the common language in many countries. It is spoken by nearly 80 million native speakers and more than 300 million people around the world speak it as a second language.

French is one of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers. However, the French healthcare sector has set the entry-level to France as a skill level of B2. Once you reach the B2 language level, you will be interviewed for a job and soon after moving to France with your family.


Finland is a Nordic welfare country that aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. Around 75% of its surface is covered with forests, it has the world’s biggest archipelago, Europe’s largest lake district, and last untamed wilderness, Lapland. Finns are known for their outspokenness, and they always tend to mean what they say.

Indian nurses should choose Finland as their new homeland because Finland offers not only career opportunities in the social welfare and healthcare sector but also in the vast array of sectors that can benefit accompanying spouses. Finland also has one of the world’s best educational systems that is provided freely. Finland is a safe and clean country for you and your family to live in, and it is recognised as the “Happiest Country in the World” by the UN.

Finnish is a very logical language, but it expresses ideas differently from the ways of the other European languages. But this does not make it necessarily much more difficult to learn. Finnish healthcare employers agree for nurses to travel to Finland at level A2.2 or B1 however, everybody must have the B1 level language skill level before applying for the registration of a nursing licence in Finland after the apprenticeship training.


Cultural diversity is at the centre of British life. The UK has some of the greatest museums, art galleries, music venues, sporting events, and theatres that the world has to offer. The UK is also home to some of the best universities worldwide, like Cambridge and Oxford, and studying in those offers attractive job opportunities after graduation.

English is the most spoken language in the world. English is spoken by 1350 million people, of whom 360 million people speak English as their first language. Sufficient English language skills are required before applying for a job in the UK. While applying for the caregiver job, a person shall have a valid English language skill certificate at the average level of IELTS 5.5 / OET grade C.

Your family can relocate to the UK with you as long as you have received your visa before the 6th of April, 2024. After that family reunification is not possible in UK for caregivers.

The social welfare benefits may not be as good as in the other European countries on our platform and in the long term a job as a caregiver may not be challenging enough for the qualified nurse, but this job opportunity is a gateway to the English-speaking country in Europe that is the home of the largest Indian population outside India.

Nurse Finder Onam Party in September 2023 in Finland.


Nurse Finder is a recruitment and training company that offers jobs for Indian Healthcare Professionals in Europe.

Nurse Finder represent Indian healthcare professionals in the international manpower business. We are committed to the fair and ethical recruitment standards set by the ILO and WHO as well as the requirements of the “Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany” quality seal.

We offer end-to-end training and placement services to healthcare professionals from India by signing contracts directly with the healthcare providers in Europe. Our strength lies in our network of companies operating in India, Finland, and Germany. By integrating our operations in both source and destination countries, we have delivered customized and high-quality services consistently to both clients and job seekers since 2020.